Academic Sundays/Holidays

Academic Sundays/Holidays Building Hours

Building Name Bldg Code Time Open Time Closed Days & Notes Locking Method
Academic Instructional Center East AI - - Closed Autolock
Academic Instructional Center West AW 0800 1700 N Door open to 2300 Autolock
Alumni House AL - - Closed Building Personnel
Arntzen Hall AH 0700 2300 North Doors only Autolock
Arts Annex AA 0800 2300 Custodial Open, Police Closes
Biology Building BI 0800 2000 Autolock
Bond Hall BH 0700 2300 West Door Only Autolock
Campus Services CS - - Closed Police
Canada House CA - - Closed Building Personnel
Carver East CV - - Closed Autolock
Carver West, 3rd floor CV - - Closed Autolock
College Hall CH - - Closed Custodial Open, Police Closes
Commissary CM 1000 2130 Closed Holidays Custodial Open, Police Closes
Communications Facility CF 0700 2300 Holidays 1700 Autolock (Main East & West doors) & Public Safety (rest of Exterior doors)
Environmental Studies Center ES 0700 2130 Custodial Open, Police Closes
Fairhaven Academic FA 0800 2300 Custodial Open, Police Closes
Fine Arts Bldg FI 0800 2300 Autolock
Fraser Hall FR - - Closed Autolock
Haggard Hall (nonLibrary spaces) HH 0500 2300 Everyday Public Safety
Harrington Field MU 0800 2400 SW Gate & Restrooms Custodial Open, Police Closes
Humanities HU - - Closed Custodial Open, Police Closes
Interdisciplinary Sciences Bldg IS - - Closed Autolock
Miller Hall MH 0700 2100 1700 Holidays Autolock
Morse Hall (Chemistry) CB - - Closed Autolock
Old Main OM - - Closed Custodial Open, Police Closes
Parks Hall PH 0800 2100 Autolock
Performing Arts Center PA 0700 2300 Custodial Open, Police Closes
Ross Engineering ET 0700 1800 Closed Holidays Custodial Open, Police Closes
SMATE (Science Lecture) SL - - Closed Autolock
Viking Union VU 100 2100 Closed Holidays Building Personnel
Wade King Recreation Center SV 1000 2100 Closed Holidays Building Personnel
Wilson Library (+Library Haggard) WL 1300 2100 1000 - 1800 Holidays Building Personnel