Intersession Weekdays

Intersession Weekdays Building Hours

Building Name Bldg Code Time Open Time Closed Days & Notes Locking Method
Academic Instructional Center East AI 0700 2000 M-R, 1700 F Autolock
Academic Instructional Center West AW 0700 1800 M-F Autolock
Alumni House AL 0800 1700 M-F Building Personnel
Arntzen Hall AH 0700 1800 M-F Autolock
Arts Annex AA 1000 1700 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Biology Building BI 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
Bond Hall BH 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
Campus Services CS 0700 1700 M-F Police
Canada House CA 0900 1600 M-R, F bldg personnel Building Personnel
Carver East CV 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
Carver West, 3rd floor CV 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
College Hall CH 0700 1800 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Commissary CM 0800 1700 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Communications Facility CF 0700 1800 M-F Autolock (Main East & West doors) & Public Safety (rest of Exterior doors)
Environmental Studies Center ES 0700 2000 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Fairhaven Academic FA 0700 1700 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Fine Arts Bldg FI 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
Fraser Hall FR - - Closed Autolock
Haggard Hall (nonLibrary spaces) HH 0500 2300 Everyday Public Safety
Harrington Field MU 0730 2130 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Humanities HU 0700 1800 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Interdisciplinary Sciences Bldg IS - - Closed M-F, Exception skybridge door open 0700 to 1700 Autolock
Miller Hall MH 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
Morse Hall (Chemistry) CB 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
Old Main OM 0630 1730 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Parks Hall PH 0700 1830 M-F Autolock
Performing Arts Center PA 0800 1700 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
Ross Engineering ET 0700 1700 M-F Custodial Open, Police Closes
SMATE (Science Lecture) SL 0700 1700 M-F Autolock
Viking Union VU 0800 1700 M-F Building Personnel
Wade King Recreation Center SV 0800 1900 M-F Building Personnel
Wilson Library (+Library Haggard) WL 0830 1630 M-F Building Personnel