Daily Crime and Fire Log
Daily Crime and Fire Log
- The Daily Crime and Fire Log includes crimes reported to the University Police Department in the past 60 days, and fires in campus residence halls reported to the University Police Department in the past 60 days.
- The Daily Crime and Fire Log for the most current 60 days is available for viewing online at Daily Crime and Fire Log, or during regular business hours at the dispatch center in the lobby of the University Police Department located:
WWU Campus Services Building
2001 Bill McDonald Parkway
Bellingham, WA 98225
- Daily Crime and Fire Log incidents older than 60 days will be made available for public inspection within two business days of request.
- Crime log case numbers do not run sequentially. University Police Department assigns a case number for all reportable activities, both criminal and non-criminal. Only case numbers generated for criminal activity are listed in the crime log.
- Crimes are listed in chronological order based upon the date they are reported to University Police Department. The most recent crimes are at the top of the list.
- The crime log classification will not normally match the crime statistics, as the crime log is compiled using the Washington Crime/Penal Code, and the crime statistics are required by law to be compiled using the definitions and standards prescribed by the Clery Act.
All Daily Crime and Fire Log entries will be made within two business days of when the information is reported to the University Police Department, unless the disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim.
Additionally, and consistent with Federal law, any of the required fields that must appear on the Daily Crime and Fire Log (i.e., the nature, date, time, location, and/or disposition) may be temporarily withheld only when there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would:
- jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation;
- jeopardize the safety of an individual;
- cause a suspect to flee or evade detection; or
- result in the destruction of evidence.
Should such information be withheld, it will be promptly added to the log once the adverse effect is no longer present.
Crime Log Dispositions
In general, entries in this log will be given one of the following dispositions to reflect the current status of the incident. If the status of an incident changes, this log will be updated within two business days to reflect the new disposition:
Open - The case is currently being investigated by UPD.
Closed - No further action at this time.
Closed by Arrest - The subject has been arrested by UPD.
Received from Residence Life - Information provided to the Clery Coordinator by the Office of Residence Life.
Received from Office of Student Life - Information provided to the Clery Coordinator by the Office of Student Life.
Received from Other CSA - Information was provided by another Campus Security Authority (CSA) source.
Received from Outside Agency - Information was provided by another agency outside UPD jurisdiction. In accordance with the Clery Act, outside agencies are requested to submit their data, at a minimum, on an annual basis.
Referred to the Office of Student Life - This report was referred to the Office of Student Life for follow-up.
Unfounded - This case is determined to be false or baseless; no offense occurred, nor was attempted.
NOTE: Incidents received from Residence Life, Office of Student Life and Other CSAs may involve confidential information received from university administrators who are defined as "campus security authorities". In these incidents, the victim did not file an official police report and therefore, due to privacy concerns, it is not always possible to provide complete information for the six categories detailed in the Daily Crime and Fire Log (Nature/Classification, Incident #, Date Reported, Date/Time Occurred, General Location, Disposition).