
University Police offers limited fingerprinting services for the WWU community. We fingerprint those who are accepted into departments that require students to work within the school setting, and for new WWU hires.

Scheduling and Payment

Fingerprinting is done by appointment only. Walk-in’s will not be accepted. Please e-mail Stacy Jenkins to schedule an appointment.  After you have made an appointment, visit our site to make your payment.

You must bring valid picture identification with you (driver's license or passport). Your Western Washington University photo ID (Western Card) is not acceptable.

The technology used for fingerprinting is called live scan; these machines take high-quality prints by scanning the applicant’s fingers electronically to create a digital image. Once scanned, the live scan system submits fingerprint image electronically..

WWUPD does not fingerprint for Concealed Weapons Permits. These are handled through your local Law Enforcement jurisdiction (County Sheriff's department or city Police department).

Other local agencies fingerprinting services

Bellingham Police Department

No Appointment, Walk in only
505 Grand Ave Bellingham, WA 98225

Learn more:
CoB Fingerprinting Information

Whatcom County Sheriff's Office

Appointment Required
311 Grand Ave Bellingham, WA 98225

Phone: 360-778-6600

Learn more:

Whatcom County Fingerprinting Information